Chapter Seven: Abduction

Dukulay lays motionless on the jungle floor, faint from sweltering heat as Adjani fans him and gives water to revive him. “You won’t die. You will go back to your family when this is over,” he says 

“Never Dukulay,” moans. “They burn our village. They come in the night, shooting and laughing. My grandfather try to protect us and they hit him with the gun. They pull him out of the house. I hide and I see everything. My mother and sister Nola, they pull out of bed and thrown them on the ground and start to rape her in front of the house. My grandfather goes to protect them and they hit him again and again. They throw fire into the house and I run out to my grandfather. He give me this Bible, and he say, “Dukky, you read this. Jesus save you. Dukky take this,” he says pointing to his pocket.”I can hear my grandfather Kimani, “Remember Dukky, be good like Jesus.” Then I put the Bible into my pocket before James’ boys tie my hands and lead me away. Then they shoot him and laugh. “Adjani,” he says, “we blood brothers, you are good like Jesus,’” as gunfire erupts and Adjani is instantly shot dead.